Chaitanya Adhikari
Tom and Jerry—
it’s always the same story,
just with different names.
Tom is pronounced TAM
to sound bold and grand.
Jerry, in fact, is written Jeky,
sometimes JQ.
Tom even adds Donald to his name—
so possessive!
(But it fits well for his quacky voice.)
And so, the conversation begins.
Tom says to Jerry—
“Bro, don’t worry.
Just run and hide in your hole.
We are all the same—
taming and shaming is our game.”
The other cat said— “Keep fighting.”
I said— “That’s not right.”
The other cat said— “We hate your next-door neighbor.”
I said— “I appreciate.”
The other cat looked loving and tender,
I looked rude and asked you to surrender.
The other cat raised you to a hero,
I flattened you down to zero.
Whatever, whatever,
oh, dictator!
Not all cats have warm fur.
Now your role is over.
For any cat, this or that,
a mouse is a mouse—forever.
It’s not necessary
that you look confused,
but you are certainly used.
Sometimes we play games,
unable to resist eyeing
the precious gems,
wherever they hide—
claws tucked beneath
a suitable robe.