Ivan Pozzoni

Taxonomy characterises homo sapiens by the shape of the hand,
it does not distinguish the hominid of the Bible, the hominid of the Gospel, the hominid of the Koran;
modern anatomy has made a discovery worthy of belief:
the average Italian has a taxable thumb.

The exorbitant increase in rates does not mean the disappearance of taxes,
no animal sexologist has ever managed to break the deadlock,
if rates are lowered or increased, taxes will increase,
they will be nymphomaniac rates, far from a desire to lower them.

Italy is a republic founded on taxes, from north to south,
for many who would like to put things right, it would take a government Robin Hood,
the average Italian is in ADE every day to measure the tax burden,
when the figure reaches 50%, we’ll call in the pathologist to certify the cerebral embolism.

Itaglia, the land of inventors, imposes a tax on the shade of shop awnings,
the maximum of the tax wedge (taking the ass) is the municipal tax on nuclear power plants,,
that, in your bill, you find an EF-EN tax on the efficiency (?) of electricity,
how the fuck do they manage to convince you of the inconsistency is funny.

There’s the TV tax, there’s the tax on tax, unconstitutional discontent,
and we discover that our rubbish, subject to VAT, has added value,
the death tax, aimed at the death certificate,
guys, tell me, if there had been in the times of Yeshua, Lazarus, how they would have put it.

The death tax, Holy Madonna to the Crown, to die gives the green light,
fuck, the dead must resurrect and pay 35 € queuing at the Post Office,
the tax on inventions does not apply to the invention of new taxes,
and they accuse you of defamation if you claim to be governed by a bunch of cuckolds.

The tax on spirits, in the alcoholic sense, the tax on aircraft noise,
aircraft noise? We’re thinking of the tax on the mess of an Inti-Illimani concert,
there’s a tax on staircases, council tax on dogs, tax on telephone boxes.
Fuck off, maybe we were better off with the Bourbon tax extravaganzas.

Ivan Pozzoni, from Monza, is a pioneer of Law and Literature studies in Italy and an extensive author on Italian philosophy, ancient ethics, and legal theory. Between 2007 and 2018, he published numerous works, including Underground, Riserva Indiana, Versi Introversi, Carmina non dant damen, and The Invective Disease. Pozzoni founded and directed the literary magazines Il Guastatore and L’Arrivista and serves as editor of the international philosophical journal Información Filosófica. Known for founding the NéoN-avant-garde movement, he authored an anti-manifesto and is featured in major university manuals and critical anthologies. His works, translated into French, English, and Spanish, have earned him critical acclaim, including the prestigious Raduga Award. In 2024, he reentered Italy’s art scene by establishing the NSEAE Kolektivne (New Socio/Ethno/Aesthetic Anthropology).