Strategic Illusion

Rajendra Ojha (Nayan)

What is to be expected from the world,
Ruled by the king and queen of chess?
Despite having freedom and authority of power,
They are the puppets of the players, naïve about themselves—
Unknowingly controlled by unseen hands.

Players become weak when either piece is absent in Chess.
To use them strategically as puppets,
They need both black and white pieces equally.
Experience it once by keeping oneself in the place of the king of Chess,
You’ll grasp the power of unseen strategists.

What could be a better reality than the truth that—
Every player aspires to control the puppet King;
Yet, they lack the necessary strategy to conquer it.
In seeking to conquer other territories,
They lose all that their puppets hold.

Rajendra Ojha ‘Nayan’ s a poet, philosopher, social researcher, Erasmus+ certified trainer, citizen diplomat, and social worker. From 2007 to 2020, he worked as a freelance stage and street actor. He released two anthologies, ‘Through the World’ in 2011 and ‘Words of Tiger’ in 2019. ‘Words of Tiger’, an anthology of his poems, has had seven of his poems translated into Spanish. In addition, his philosophical articles and poems have appeared in national and international journals from Nepal, England, Greece, India, Pakistan, the United States, China, Myanmar, and Spain, among others. Besides this, some of his poems have been published in English and Nepali poetry resource books for primary and secondary levels of Nepalese education. He has carried out two scientific research projects on “Sustainable Tourism” and “Entrepreneurship Development” from 2021-2024. Similarly, his other scientific research is based on the need for community consensus-building in development-based projects. His biography-based feature articles and interviews have been published in ‘Humanity Magazine’ in Russia and “The Times of London” in Britain, respectively.