Song Collection ‘Layeko Tarelima’ Released

Layeko Tarelima, a collection of songs by 21 songwriters, has been released during a literary event held in Bhaktapur. The book was jointly made public by story writer Dhruva Madhikarmi, lyricist Subas Chandra Dhungel, chairperson of Sangitik Samaj Albert Bajracharya, musician Santosh Shrestha and lyricist Harikrishna Bakhunje.

Speaking at the event, editor of the collection Dhruva Madhikarmi said that although songs are primarily meant to be listened, one can also feel its the words and rhythms by reading the lyrics.

Senior lyricist Subas Chandra Dhungel applauded the particular song titled ‘Maya’ from the collection and considered that a good music and vocal can increase the impact of a song upon the listeners. Similarly, other guest attendees presented their impression upon the book and discussed about the different dimensions of music.

The collection includes five songs by each of the songwriters including Shiv Munankarmi, Dhruv Jonche, Hari Thapa, Pramod Bhattarai, Vishwa Kayastha, Dhruv Madhikarmi, Subashchandra Dhungel, Shekhar Dhungel, Surendralal Bhuju, Rajendra Chitrakar, Rajeshman KC, Shamsher Bahadur Nhuchepradhan, Narendra Joshi, Raghuram Neupane, Ratna Prajapati in the dance of rhythm published by Srijan Abhiyan Samaj , Trivikram Pandey, Harikrishna Bakhunche, Tulsi Ghemosu, Indira Chapagain, Sachita Karmacharya and Ranjana Neupane. 

The event was organized by Sirjana Abhiyan Samaj.