Poet Santosh Kumar Pokharel gave an inspiring poetry talk to the students of Central Department of English, Tribhuvan University on Monday. The event, titled ‘Poetry with Poet Santosh Kumar Pokharel,’ was organized by the Creative Literary Forum (CLF) and filled with engaging insights and heartfelt verses, leaving a strong impact on the attendees.
During the event, Poet Pokharel shared his journey in poetry with the participants, recalling his early enthusiasm for poetry and how he began composing poems at the young age of 13. Having worked in the engineering sector for a long time, he remarked, “It was and is only poetry that gave immense satisfaction to me. My engagement in civil engineering was solely for livelihood, but never a work of passion.” He then proceeded to deliver a PowerPoint presentation on creative writing, exploring its various forms and genres with a particular focus on the fundamentals of poetry. Pokharel also introduced his recently debuted poetry style, known as Pokharelian Stanza or Pokhreliknots, and discussed its morphological and semantic aspects. During the Q&A session, students asked pertinent questions about his poetry style. Responding to inquiries about how a strictly structured poem can convey a poet’s emotions fully, Pokharel explained that his Pokharelian Stanza, like haikus, can deeply communicate the poet’s emotions using fewer words.
Poet and critic Mahesh Paudyal, who was also an attendee of the event, concluded the event by extending a vote of thanks to the participants.
The organizer, CLF, also received a collection of books from poet Pokharel.
Creative Literary Forum (CLF) is a student club under the English Department at Tribhuvan University, responsible for organizing various creative activities within and outside the department.