Poem: My Secret Diary

Sanu Patel

In the quiet corners of the world
Nestled within the confines of simple cover
Lies a world unknown to others,
Away from prying eyes
-a sanctuary of my thoughts, dreams and secret

On it’s pages, I pour the emotions I dare not voice
The fears I quietly battle
The hopes I silently nurture
It listens without judgement
Holding my laughters, tears and whispers of my soul

When the world feels overwhelming
It’s pages become a haven
And it invites me to unravel the intricacies
It carries my ambitions from my groundset to small wishes
All written in ink that binds them to my heart

Within the sacred pages, time stands still
Every memory, every confession
Every fleeting thoughts remains preserved
Treasure chest of my existence
It is my confident, my solace and reflection of who I am.