Living in the Light of Wise Souls

Nirdesh Subedi

Something happens when I come under the shadow of their wisdom, whether it be Plato, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Kahlil Gibran, Rainer Maria Rilke and many more. They are like a pure spring from which all thirsty souls may drink, as Gibran puts it. These soul healers show ways of life that are more alive. The soul is shaken awake. In their light, I connect to a sacred space within myself. I somehow feel as though someone has lit the light of harmony within my being.

We are constantly seeking more alive ways of life, seeking answers. The soul wishes to be eternally intoxicated by the beauty that wisdom brings. Gibran rightly said, “A traveller I am, and a navigator, and every day I discover a new region within my soul.” We are reflecting on our experiences to find the very soul of everything around us. What is this life? What is love? What is friendship? What is the purpose of this life? How should we live a beautiful life? What is there after death? We are constantly seeking more alive and soulful answers to these questions. As human beings, we long to be touched by the beauty of life. Our hearts are never filled with contentment unless touched by the richness of life. Then we come across these wise souls which fulfill our thirst.

Many days of hustle and bustle, encountering unexpected events in life, we get lost from our soul many times. Then these wise souls heal us back to our soul, back to our home. In my seeking answers to what this life is, I remember these sayings: “I do not intend to give an answer because life has no ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Life is much too immense, much too vast: everything goes into it like into the Sea. It is like a big river that flows all the way into the Sea, carrying with it the good, the bad, the evil, the beautiful, the ugly.” Jiddu Krishnamurti said this in one of his talks. Rilke also expresses a similar thought on life, saying, “Most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered.” When someone hears such statements, it widens the horizon from where one sees life. One finds the poetry of his soul once more. Our soul blooms in the light of these wise souls.

There are so many unexplored horizons of life of which we become aware. Plato hints in the allegory of the cave that we take our limited life experience, which is all we have ever seen, as the only reality. But that’s not the case; it’s just the shadow of life. Life is way too immense, and these souls point us to the very source of life.