Krishna Gautam’s Philosophical Novel ‘Advaita’ Released

Kathmandu, January 25

A philosophical novel titled Advaita, by Professor Krishna Gautam, has been released. The novel is expected to captivate readers with its engaging narrative style that explores the concept of philosophy in the form of a story.

Regarding Advaita novelist Gautam states, “This diverse world has emerged out of a single element. Initially, humanity believed in various deities. He observed consciousness in natural elements. As knowledge advanced, he realized that the ultimate truth is singular, as some ancient scholars had described as ‘Advaita.’ In my view, the revelation of this ultimate truth occurred before the rise of scientific knowledge.”

A renowned critic of Nepali literature, Professor Gautam  has published several books on literary criticism, including short stories such as “Swarnabimba,” “Naach,” and “Raniban.”  Published by Shikha Books, novel ‘ Advaita’  is priced  675 rupees.