Madhupark, a monthly literary magazine published by the Gorkhapatra Corporation, has conferred its prestigious honour ‘Madhupark Samman-2081’ upon three litterateurs in recognition of their contribution to Nepali literature. The awards were presented amid a special literary programme held on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the Madhuparka literary magazine in the capital on Wednesday.
The ‘Madhupark Samman-2081’ was presented to senior litterateurs Prof. Krishna Gautam, Manju Kanchuli, and the ‘Madhuparka Pratibha Puraskar’ (Talent award) was presented to Kishore Pahadi. Gautam was awarded for his contributions to the prose genre, while Kanchuli for her contributions to the poetry genre.
Each honoree was awarded a cash prize of 50,000 rupees.
The award ceremony was inaugurated by poet, essayist, and literary critic Basudev Tripathi.
Pramod Pradhan, a noted litterateur, highlighted the invaluable contributions of all three awardees in the development and promotion of Nepali language and literature. He also highlighted the role of the Madhuparka in fostering many literary figures in Nepali literature and its unprecedented contribution to the development of litterateurs and literature.
All three awardees expressed their gratitude towards for the Gorkhapatra Corporation for acknowledging their works and also lauded Madhuparka’s role in shaping their literary journey.
Speaking at the programme, Bishnu Subedi, Executive Chairman of Gorkhapatra Corporation, said that Madhuparka, not only as a magazine but a school for learning helped numerous writers to set their foot on the journey of Nepali literature.
Likewise, Lal Bahadur Airi, General Manager of Gorkhapatra Corporation, emphasised Madhuparka’s role in promoting Nepali literature and transforming society through literature.
Meanwhile, outgoing editor-in-chief of Madhuparka Jaya Dev Bhattarai was also honoured at the programme.
Madhuparka has honoured about 50 literary writers so far.