Prof. Dr. Bishnu S. Rai’s two essay collection Vasim Syura and the novel Hatuwao Kiva have been released. These are the 14th and 15th works by the 73-year-old author.
Linguist Prof. Dr. Novalkishor Rai and engineer Upendranarayan Singh Rai jontly launched the two books at a ceremony held at CEDA Hall, Kirtipur. Author Rai’s earlier publications include Sudama (epic poem), Nau Dandapari and Dandawari Dandapari (travelogues), Jeevan and Tritiyaki Jun (poetry collections), Paheli (novel), Jeevan ka Panaharu (memoir), and Khambuwanbata Haraeka Santanharu (history). His English works include Martyrs (short stories), Realities (play), Vagabond Verses (poetry collection), and Ghazal in English (ghazal collection). He has also written research works related to linguistics.
Writen in Chamling Rai language, Vasim Syura (Sour Beer) features 15 poems and essays under different titles.
The novel Hatuwao Kiva (The Tiger of Hatuwa) is based on the history of Hatuwagadhi in Majhkirat. “This book is not a history of the Rai regime but an attempt to view that period through literature. The novel is based on visits to Hatuwagadhi and meetings with the descendants of Atal Singh Rai, the protagonist. It is a blend of history and literature, facts and imagination,” the author explained. He added, “In the 18th century, Hatuwa held a unique significance among the Rai-ruled states of Nepal. Apart from Buddhi Karna Rai of Vijaypur, Atlas Singh Rai of Hatuwa is one of the few Rai rulers frequently mentioned in history books which notes the importance of Hatuwa and Atal Singh.”
During the event, fifth-grader Kharumi Rai and sixth-grader Rayon Hang Rai read excerpts from the prefaces of the two books. Linguist Padam Rai and others also spoke about the books.
The books have been published by Sagun-Asara Publications.