Dr. Dosti Regmi
Language has flaws. We have seen words break things in our lives when they carried meanings we did not intend to express. When we have a dispute, the grudges we hold will be over certain words or phrases that were used. Noble Silence is Budha’s advice for word-weariness. They say, “Speak only when your words can improve on your silence.” We are often misunderstood and we cannot mend the word inflicted wounds. Words are fatal. They inflict violence upon the truth we hold. Words and bullets cannot be reversed they say. But words often fail to hit our targets. The essence is missed in the translation of meanings to words in the sender’s part and words to meanings in the receiver’s side. Buddha says there is no essence irrespective of the cause and conditions.
Another flaw that logocentrism carries is the binary view of the world. Good and bad habits. Healthy and unhealthy food. Good and bad people. I was brought up with the same binaries. The binaries creep into my solitude. “Either I am happy or I am sad.”, and “Either they like me or hate me.”
The traditional concept of The Book is one where all the truths are. Just like a Bhagawat Geeta or Dhammapada where you open any page and find a line that will show you the way. Or The Book that has a complete story or argument with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This idea of completeness is a common way of thinking, where knowledge is seen as something organized and finished like a book neatly placed on a shelf. However, Derrida noticed that this way of thinking is changing. Today, we gather information differently. You might read a news article, which links to a video, then to a social media discussion heated with debates for and against it. There’s no clear start or finish—just an endless network of ideas that connect in complex and sometimes contradictory ways.
Out of rhyme, a thought came to my mind. Let me search and play a particular song that is ringing in my mind. Maybe I think that song will give me peace and calm. But will that not mean that here-now is erroneously labeled boring and chaotic without even sincere scrutiny? Every thought and effort is switching the awareness from the inside to outside, here-now to elsewhere. When the focus is on the out-there, the here-now will fall into the blind spot of our awareness. Let me not try to escape. The pursuit is futile. There is futility in every pursuit. Pursuit is violence to what is.
And what is meaning? What is truth? What is beauty? Derrida says, “Beauty cannot happen twice.” He emphasizes the uniqueness and singularity of beauty as an experience. For Derrida, beauty is not a static quality that can be reproduced identically. It is an event—a specific convergence of time, context, perception, and emotion. When we encounter something beautiful, the experience is shaped by unique conditions that cannot be perfectly replicated. Even if we witness the same object or scene again, our perception and circumstances will have changed, altering the experience. So is the truth and meaning. Happening every moment but always new and afresh. Craving and clinging is the violence against the beauty and truth.