Crescendos of Fate

Aadarsha Paudel

Till the oak tree shreds,
I’ll come.
Till they soak us,
I’ll come.
I’ll come,
Till fate bows,
On the sole of unity,
I’ll come!
Oh! Dear,
I’ll come,
In the crescendos of joy,
My love!
I’ll come and fight.
I’ll fight to come,
Till I last!
Look at you now,
Holding on to empty promises,
Wrapped in a red flag.
You thought you’d find freedom?
All you found
Were more chains,
Tighter than the ones
You tried to escape.

You scream about unity—
It’s just an echo
In a room full of lies.
The only thing
You’ve united with
Is a system that chews you up
And spits you out,
Leaving nothing
But bones and regrets.

And those
Who jumped ship,
From democracy to this
What did you expect?
A utopia?
All you got was a front-row seat
To watch your own downfall.

You traded freedom for this?
A joke of a system
That crushes the very people
It claims to save.
You played yourself.