How can My Mother Leave Me?
Taranand Viyogi With great enthusiasm my mother understandably gave me birth! So much of preparation so many hopes and ambitions might have surrounded her from
Taranand Viyogi With great enthusiasm my mother understandably gave me birth! So much of preparation so many hopes and ambitions might have surrounded her from
FATHERS IN THE NIGHT PUB Mine was a typical alcoholic. He threw knives at his mother. And mine ruled the whole city. What’s happening to
Ashok Mehta (Translated from Maithili by Ayodhyanath Choudhary) ———————— Seeing you sit silently, my eyes got stuck, looking at your countenance. Eyes lined with soot
Taijas Sharma Babble little bird babble Please tell me Where did you roll All my pebbles? Free and fierce! Joy and jovial Where didst those
Prisha Shashi Lekhak Piercing through The haze of tinted clouds Her red mane, A stark contrast To the Pastel pinks and blues Defiance courses Deep
Rajendra Ojha (Nayan) What is to be expected from the world, Ruled by the king and queen of chess? Despite having freedom and authority of
Abhimanyu Majhi Solitary soul, Enveloped by tempests. Gazes about, Boundless void Within the mind. “What is truth? Merely a perspective. Yet in court, It transforms
Bibekanand Kumar ‘Agyat’ Dear Heart, O! Dear heart beyond the physical part, Of unknown place and unknown name, Your faceless flowery face, Your soundless sound
Aabhashree Rijal Took my heart, Far away they took it, Bleeding while running, Thought I was dreaming not going to lie, They told me Come
Taijas Sharma I learn to learn To rise the dawn Plow the Sun Because the young son in me Is the one Who swallows the
Aswini Koirala
Executive Editor
Mahesh Paudyal
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Editorial Advisor
Sarad Pradhan
Anil Khatiwada
Editorial Coordinator (India)
Pranay Shankar