ESP Desk

The Egoist Daughter of My Father

Rinki Jha Rishika Translated from Maithili by Ayodhyanath Choudhary Since childhood, I have nurtured the habit of keeping myself aloof from all being aloof from

How can My Mother Leave Me?

Taranand Viyogi With great enthusiasm my mother understandably gave me birth! So much of preparation so many hopes and ambitions might have surrounded her from

Smothering Schools, Fractured Minds

Mahesh Paudyal As a travel enthusiast, student lover, event-hunter, learning writer, storyteller, educator, teachers’ trainer, students’ counsellor and textbook writer, I have travelled to many

Standing near a Mirror

Ashok Mehta (Translated from Maithili by Ayodhyanath Choudhary) ———————— Seeing you sit silently, my eyes got stuck,  looking at your countenance. Eyes lined with soot

A Trap

Mahesh Paudyal Translated by Ayodhyanath Choudhary We spent, looking only at each other the whole of youth, half of our lives; We were able to

Muktinath: A Piece of Heaven

Ambika Aryal I made a plan to start the New Year with an exciting journey. I am always eager to travel and I have visited

Rudra Adhikari’s ‘Drishti’ Launched

SahityaPost, 11 November Drishti, a collection of short-short stories by UK-based Nepali writer Rudra Adhikari was launched in Kathmandu on Monday. Organized by SahityaPost, the