Bibekanand Kumar ‘Agyat’
Behind the bars, unseen, invisible
someone is there covered in dark
house where the rays don’t reach
easily, and know not about the cell,
a hell, paints himself to be looked
clean, naive, simple, actual and …..
and here he seeks happiness!
he gets?
But oh! the five senses drop saliva
from thousands of tongues forked
like snakes to taste all pleasure in
the then time, like an addict or just
a corpse but breathing, dwelling in
dirt of consumption, money, sex or
boundless desires, isn’t it a hell….?
and here he seeks happiness!
he gets?
Is it possible to be cleaned in the
filthy ditch though pure water rains
upon? It becomes more filthy and
wraps all over. Isn’t it better to be
out and bathed in the rain of truth,
the purifying *Gangajal, lotus forming…
and here he seeks happiness!
he gets.
*In Hinduism, Ganajal is sacred water from the River Ganges in India. In the given context, rain of truth is compared to Gangajal.