June 11, 2023

Bhanubhakta Revisted

Mahesh Paudyal Poet Bhanubhkta Acharya of Nepal (1814 – 1868) ,  most popularly known as aadikavi, or the pioneering poet, has the same position as that

With a Character One Evening

By Roshan Thapa ‘Neerav’ At the moment, I am inside a pub on New Road. It has become a routine task for me to be


Brian Shrestha Nepal is a beauty From heaven above Nothing is more wonderful Than this place on earth Bravery adorns its history That blooms from

Memories and Moments

Arun Sharma Sitting on that rock near the ocean he Gazes on the pink, orange, yellow radiance of the sun The crashing waves pounding on

The Invisible Self

Kuma Raj Subedi If I ever fail to recognise you, Forgive me as I may be different to you; May not perceive you in full;

Banjara’s ‘Palak’ Launched

Kathmandu, June 6 SahityaPost Reporter  Lokendra Banjara’s third ghazal collection Palak was launched in Kathmandu on Saturday. The collection was launched amid a public event